My father is a triplet and as soon as I became a doula I was interested in the stops of my grandmas Thursday birth. Sadly my grandma passed away. This is my dads birth story shared my Aunt.
I was only five years old when my mother gave birth to the triplets. My sister Patty was only four years old. Although I lived through it, it’s hard for me to realize today what my mother and father must have experienced having three babies at one time!
My mother went into labor in the middle of a terrible snowstorm. Since the doctor and attendants knew mom was pregnant with three babies, it was considered a high risk pregnancy. Due to the treacherous conditions that February, dad had to borrow a jeep to drive mom 30 miles away to the hospital. This was the first set of triplets born at that hospital, so preparation had been made long in advance of their arrival.
Mom went into labor at six months and delivered each one minutes apart. It was the sixties and they were each placed in incubators and stayed in the hospital for several weeks with little or not physical contact from my parents. We weren’t allowed to visit either. Today, bonding is such a relevant part of the birth experience. Research confirms that touching and physical interaction with even the smallest infant is beneficial in the healing process.
After they gained a healthy weight, they came home. My youngest brother Jerry had to have surgery for a hernia, but eventually came home as well. Although a few multiple births may experience prolonged problems, my brothers and sisters grew up healthy.
Love Aunt Jo