1) I’ve had two babies, one emergency cesarean and one home birth after cesarean (HBAC)… both so different, yet wonderful life altering experiences.
2) My husband and I met at a country bar where he was the DJ
3) We got engaged at Niagara falls in the pouring rain
4) We got married on a dinner cruise boat and it was beautiful!
5) I lived in Uganda for 3 months where I did my ECE practicum while creating a child
Care program in a local hospital and working in a school for children with disabilities
6) my all time favorite tv show is Roseanne. Has been since I was a kid. I relate to the sarcastic yet loving attitude she uses in her relationships perhaps.
7) I am a step mom to a pretty awesome 16 year old!!
8 ) I’ve travelled all over Europe for fun and work (as a nanny)
9) I have my ECE with special needs and infant toddler diploma, I’m 3/4 of of the way through my Child and Youth Care counseling bachelors program specializing in child protection (however this has been put on pause for 3 years so it may never get completed), and have done Wise Woman way of Birth doula training. I love school although I complained the whole way through.
10) during my teen years I worked for the Surrey Public Library for years as a “page” meaning I put books away. I love the Dewey decimal system
11) my daughter has serious anaphylactic allergies to dairy, nuts and eggs. And my husband is allergic to tree nuts. This is a huge responsibility when it comes to researching everything, reading every label, and always having safe snacks everywhere we go.
12) I love chocolate….and baked goods…and coffee…. and chai tea lattes…. anything sweet really.
13) I’ve always been interested in birth, child development, breastfeeding etc but becoming pregnant with my first really drove the passion. Our birth and breastfeeding journey weren’t as smooth as I’d hoped for but we persevered and I’m so thankful breastfeeding got easier. And now between two children we’ve experienced a lot and learned a ton!!
14) I love books. I rarely finish one and often have multiple on the go at once but I do love them
15) I love to knit, sew and craft things. I’ve had a few baby blankets on my needles consistently for the past few years knitting them for a few of my closest friends who have been having babies. It takes me forever but it’s relaxing!
16) I don’t really enjoy cooking or baking but I love eating. A lot.
17) I find it really hard to think of things about myself. But I’m almost there.
18) I HATE being tickled.
19) I will be 30 this year!!
20) I love Disneyland.
21) we love music. we have daily family dance parties, usually during dinner prep or clean up. We listen to different things constantly but at the moment our 4 year old is loving the Pitch Perfect movie soundtracks
22) I love binge watching Netflix shows in my down time.
23) if I’m home, I’m in pajamas.
24) I love to thrift shop. Most of what I buy comes from thrift stores, swap sites or consignment stores.
25) hubby and I are always looking for an excuse to go to The keg for some wine, baked garlic shrimp and a billy miner pie! Cheers!