To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week I thought I should blog…. But I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore?! What do I blog about? I miss breastfeeding…. Wait, I miss breastfeeding. Brilliant. It was hard for me to determine why or what parts of breastfeeding I miss because there were so many. So I compiled them into 10 points. Enjoy.
1) Convenience—– When your baby is hungry you want to feed them as soon as you can. With breast milk it is always there, always the right temperature. No sanitizing bottles at 3:30am, just roll over and feed. Awesome!
2) Milk Coma Smiles—– Have you ever looked down at a milk coma induced baby who is smiling at you, and not had your heart melt?! I doubt it.
3) Miracle Milk—–In our house diaper rash, pink eye, ear infection, nasal congestion, eczema and skin conditions were all healed with breast milk. ***Please remember I am not a doctor and you may want to consult with a medical professional***
4) Healthy Baby + a Happy Mama—– Mia was rarely sick. Breast feeding is known to build a strong immune systems in babies. This is because breast milk has natural antibodies that help babies develop immunity against illness and disease.
5) Educating People—– I had more conversations about birth and breastfeeding with single male friends than I would have ever thought. I educated them and my other friends as I was on my breastfeeding journey. I answered questions as to ” Why this long?” “Why is breast milk so healthy?” “How do you ever leave your baby?” and so on. We had respectful conversations and I shared the importance of breastfeeding with people that simply didn’t know.
6) Soothing baby—– If you don’t know what’s wrong 9 times out of 10 the baby wants to breastfeed. Whether they are hungry, want you close or need to soothe, the breast often works. A great piece of advice my midwife shared with me was “there are many parents bouncing a baby down the hall at 4am and what they really need is another 5 minutes on the breast”. Those words of wisdom saved me.
7) Naturally empowering—–My body can provide all the nutrients my daughter needs, as much as she needs and when she needed it. Supply and demand. A woman’s body is amazing, celebrate it ladies!
8) Saving Cash—– No bottles, no formula, no cost. Sure I spent money on a pump (that I should have rented because I didn’t need it after Mia was 6 weeks) and I bought washable breast pads for those leaky moments. Formula (low end of cost) is 0.12 cents an once., that is $1224.72 a year. (source- kellyMom)
9) I was more rested —–We chose to bed share in our house. Besides being attachment parents, it was convenient. When Mia woke, I rolled over and fed her. She barely woke at night, I barely woke, we were all in zombie type states and it worked for us. We did this for 2 years. At age 2 she had her own room and would walk down the hall for an early morning feeding. It was mutually agreed (my husband, myself and Mia) and it worked for us.
10) Cuddles —– Once Mia was mobile she was far too interested in exploring than cuddling. Still at 3.5, I get a few cuddles when she is hurt, but other than that she is on the move. When I was breastfeeding I got the added bonus of sneaking in the cuddle time without her knowing. She fed, I got a cuddle, we both were happy.
There were times when I thought I was done. I wanted more freedom and I felt “touched-out”. This is when I knew I needed some alone time, my husband stepped in and I cared for myself. 2.5 years was a long time, but the percentage of my life I spent breastfeeding is minimal. Enjoy it while you can ladies, you won’t be breastfeeding forever.
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