I had known my whole life I would one day become a mother. Some people do, others may take a bit longer to decide. There isn’t a right or wrong way, it’s all just a path we wander along at our own pace.
The day it happened, I felt prepared. I knew things would change; that each day going forward would be different than each that had passed. You hear things from everyone when you begin your family, those words of wisdom that get handed down from generation to generation. The obvious clichés. Of course life changes with kids! You will do anything for your children! You learn an entirely new level of love! But these phrases don’t seems to really speak at full volume until your kids finally do become a part of your family.
It all changes from that special moment when you look into their eyes, (which may not be until later in their lives- baby blues post to come soon!), and you realize that yea, you would probably do anything and everything in your power to give this person the best life imaginable.
You learn to accept the difficulties; the sleep deprivation, the early mornings, the wasted food. You learn to enjoy playing on the floor all day, repeatedly drawing semi-trucks, and laughing maniacally at something just because it makes your kid laugh. You embrace the idea that sometimes you don’t get to do what you want to do, and instead you just have to enjoy what it is your kid wants you to do. Just because they love you, and you love them.
We learn what it’s like to be a family, all over again, when our kids are born. That generation old advice finally has a new grasp on us, and we can’t wait to share it with everyone we know. We reignite the cliche for the next generation.
Happy Family Day to each of you incredible parents out there- go spend some time with the little people in your lives who make them so worth living!