Kindergarten was a day I dreamed of when my little one was 2, 3, 4 years old.. But now that she is 5, and on her way so soon… I’m not excited. My head is filled with many rational (and many irrational) thoughts. For a while I smiled and pretended Kindergarten was going to be a great place for my child to learn and socialize. Now my daughters fears are my fears and as a parent I feel helpless. Will I get her to school on time? Will she eat her lunch? Will she get to the toilet on time? I know many children for many years have manged…. (now I’m back to my rational side). many kids cry in the beginning and a few weeks or months later they cry when a parent comes to pick them up because they don’t want to leave. Rationally I know this. I mean heck, my child has gone to daycare and preschool and excelled at both. Why is kindergarten different?
As I asked my other Mom friends it turned out we all had this eternal struggle we were all hiding. All pushing aside our emotions as we bought school clothes, bought new lunch kits and searched for the few last minute school items. When we started talking about it, there were tears and fears… From the adults. We all worry if our child will be liked by peers and teachers, will our child be a bully or be too passive and overlooked. Will they eat their lunch, run outside of the school boundaries on the playground or cry for me all day.
I’m thankful I have woman to talk to to make this transition for a parent easier. Our fears are not irrational, they are feelings and they are REAL and are VALUABLE.
On the day we signed up my daughter for Kindergarten we documented with an image of us, 2 parents navigating the new life of a school aged child. Kindergarten is a big step for children, but also as parents. I know in weeks and months to come I will embrace Kindergarten and probably learn to love it just as my 5 year old will. But in the mean time, I am ok with feeling uncertain and it will help me remember my daughter may be insecure, and her feelings are real too.