What does a doula bring to a birth with her?
We arrive to a birth supplied with a whole shlew of items to help us help a birthing woman. Sometimes, we use every single item. Sometimes, we use nothing but ourselves.
There are definitely a few go-to items that are incredibly handy:
Essential oils. Particularly lavender, peppermint and orange. They help to relieve tension, control emotion and provide distraction.
Massage tools. Most often these are our hands, as well as the partner’s or birthing buddy’s hands. Though we do have some tools to help out if hands aren’t quite enough, as well as some massage oil and lotion.
Food. Birth is a big event that requires sustenance! Energy rich, nourishing snacks and healthy drinks like coconut water take up nearly half of my birth bag.
Battery operated candles. These help create a nice ambiance in hospital rooms, as well as are a safe option to not have to think about burning someone’s house down while they’re home birthing.
Rebozo. This is a fancy name for a handwoven scarf that is used in a series of techniques for relieving tension and providing comfort. They are a gorgeous addition to the dynamic of the birthing room, and something to concentrate your attention on while you’re birthing.
Hot water bottle/heat pack. Birthing woman love warm sensation. Heat is a great way to relieve tension and distract from a wave.
Phone charger. Birth sometimes takes a while, which is totally normal. I like having a full charge so I have access to the resources stored on my phone that I may need.
Change or a Visa . Hospital parking is blinking expensive sometimes! We come prepared!
Change of socks. Nobody likes smelly feet; Especially not pregnant women. In addition, gum and mints are also abundance.
(For me, Erin, in particular) breast pump & cooler. One of the reasons I am so good with Breastfeeding support, is because I am actively participating in it haha. I pump at intervals when I am not needed during a birth so I have milk to supply my littlest with when I get home.
A tens machine (read more about them here)
These are just some of the things we at Ridge Meadows Doula Services all carry, but every doula is a bit different depending on what their particular strengths are. At the end of the day, our desire to support is the best tool we possess.
Happy Birthing, Erin